Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Sunday, July 18, 2004


Well I've had a weekend I didn't expect!

Went to Brighton on Saturday, originally to get some shrooms, as I haven't had any for ages. Ended up getting 20g of Huaula (how the fuck do you pronounce that?) and as I noticed it, a slice of San Pedro cactus.

Took the shrooms when I got back,it was a nice trip, nothing to special though. This morning was a bit more special though, I had a 5 inch slice of San Pedro, no idea of what to do with it and all day to figure it out. :D My kinda day! :D

After doing a bit of research on the web, then half following instructions, I decided to make a smoothie. Urrrrgh! Words cannot describe how foul a cactus smoothie is!

After the trials and tribulations of getting the bloody stuff down me I had a spliff and took the dog for a walk up the woods and I'm very glad I did...

*** Posted on U75 @ 4:27pm ***

Mmmm, that was the ultimate cheese sandwich!

I was wondering if this was all going to be worth it, swallowing sludge, green sludge, is not one of my favourite activities, especially when it tastes of cactus, yuk!

But it was worth it. Well worth it, I still can't quite quantify what I'm feeling, except for a wonderful, subtle wellness with the world. The detail in the woods were amazing, even better than acid. Focusing on a leaf halfway up a tree and seeing all the details of it's structure was wonderful.

It's quite a thoughtful substance, I've spent the last hour walking round the woods, talking to myself and really enjoying it, quite a lot of self analysis but mostly in a good way. I found it quite easy to talk to anyone I met on my wanderings, but definitely preferred the company of Jessie. (me dawg)

Head now feeling slightly wonky, so I'll sign off. Until next time Mr Pedro.

I'm still definitely feeling something, it's very subtle but then the whole experience has been. Stomach has been feeling ropey all day, but after two mugs of green sludge you'd expect it to! All in all though it was well worth it, definitely another candidate for my top ten, and certainly something I want to explore further.


Whibley going to Spain.
Playstation on the PC! :D
Beauty in detail


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