Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Monday, April 26, 2004


FUCKING ABBEY NATIONAL. Cunting bastard company!

I owed about £1000 from a overdraft to abbey about a year ago. At the time I couldn't pay it off. They refused my offer of installments and passed it on to a debt recovery company. They also refused the offer and passed it back. It got passed on to another recovery company, who made me an offer of a short settlement. If I paid it off in 2 weeks they would consider the debt repaid. I thought this was good and paid the £750 off. I recieved a letter from them saying they had accepted it and considered the matter closed. As did I.

Got home from work today and found a letter from ANOTHER debt recovery company demanding the remaining £250!

They can fucking swivel if they think they're getting anything more out of me. After a looooong phone call to abbey, I finally managed to get the name of the manager of the complaints department who will be recieving a strong complaint soon.

This has been a year of hell with that sodding company. I had been with them for about 14 years before this and they had always been excellent, the front desk staff especially. They must have now spent at least five times the amount of the debt in pursuing it.

Fuck 'em. They want my money they can take me to court.

Actually, can you sue a bank for harrassment?

Sunday, April 25, 2004



What do you really think is taboo?

My Moralising Quotient is: 0.43.
My Interference Factor is: 0.00.
My Universalising Factor is: 0.75.

Monday, April 19, 2004

This made me giggle...


The man discovered weapons and invented hunting; the woman
discovered hunting and invented furs.

The man discovered colors and invented paint: the woman
discovered paint and invented make-up.

The man discovered the word and invented conversation; the
woman discovered conversation and invented gossip.

The man discovered agriculture and invented food; the woman
discovered food and invented diet.

The man discovered friendship and invented love; the woman
discovered love and invented marriage.

The man discovered women and invented sex; the woman
discovered sex and invented headaches.

The man discovered trading and invented money; the woman
discovered money and that's when it all got messed up.


Well I got back from the birthday party yesterday. I'm utterly knackered. It's been a very full weekend, I was also supposed to have a cheap weekend. I've got the rent, old council tax bill, and the tv rental to pay all this week and I've just spent over half my wages! But it was worth it. I got to help a Medis chill out and spent three days cuddling a nearly one year old! :)

Babies are cool. There is nothing like chilling with a baby, it is a certain kind of peace, unobtainable in any other way. I can understand part of the pull of motherhood. I still don't want any kids of my own but I am kinda getting broody. Babies are more addictive than crack!

Not such a bad day at work, glad to be home though. Been thinking about having a spliff for most of the afternoon, when I got back my sister has got one of her friends over. Which means I really should wait. Worst thing is, if I didn't HAVE to wait I'd be fine, but I'm craving a spliff!

Only want what you can't have.

Should really be doing something about the forums, but I really don't have the energy at the moment. Plus I have loads of other things I want to avoid doing more.

Think I might roll a spliff and take the dog out.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Thank fuck it's friday!

It's only been a four day week this week but it feels like it's been much longer. I'm going to a first birthday party tomorrow! Haven't got a present though, have to see if I can get something en-route.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Sitting on the tube, which I swear gets louder every time I go on it, feelinq very ok with the world.

IMAX was excellent. Although ketamine didn't actually improve the experiance as much as I thought. I know that I felt very involved but whether that was the immersive aspect of IMAX alone is hard to tell. It didn't improve it visually I know that much. Might like to do something involving 2-cb at some point. Dunno what though. National Gallery springs to mind.

Got some stuff done on the forums today. Going to have to learn php, which garf informs me is easy.

Went to an anime night on sat night. It was a very interesting night, though not moch anime was watched for one reason or another! Met some lovely people, had some very surreal conversations but it was fun.

Sitting on the tube, which i swear gets louder every time i go on it, feelinq very ok with the world.

IMAX was excellent. Although ketamine didn't actually improve the experiance as much as i thought. I know that i felt very involved but whether that was the immersive aspect of IMAX alone is hard to tell. It didn't improve it visually i know that much. Might like to do something involving 2cb at some point. Dunno what though. National Gallery springs to mind.

Got some stuff done on the forums today. Going to have to learn php, which garf informs me is easy.

Went to an anime night on sat night. It was a very interesting night, though not moch anime was watched for one reason or another! Met some lovely people, had some very surreal conversations but it was fun.


Saturday, April 10, 2004

Sitting here at garfs. Going to imax later! I cant fucking wait! Most of the people that originally wanted to come have dropped out. But I have convinced a few. Going to be a good one...

Monday, April 05, 2004

Nice weekend. It's always a drag to have to go back to work though. Not a bad say today, I was indoors and had a fair amount of skiving time but I'm back to cutting again tomorrow. Think I'll cope though, I've got some smoke and that always makes the day go by easier. Plus it's a four day weekend.

There is a really good looking girl working at the local garage at the moment. Noticed her last week, think I might have to go in and say hello. Bit of a surprise actually, she actually manages to look slightly glamorous working the evening shift at a service station!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I'm in Brixton again. I wasn't going to London, I wasn't going to Offline. I was going to stay at home and not spend any money. I'm in London, not gone to Offline, but got very stoned round wiskey's.

Still excited about Glasto, but also getting nervous, I've heard any number of stories about people getting cancelled.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

YES! I've got Glastonbury tickets!

At about 17:15 yesterday I finally got them after trying for 6 hours the night before going to work at 7 the next morning, totally convinced that they would be sold out by the time I got back. When I got home I started dialing again. On the third try I got through!

Only problem is I didn't get the booking number from the agent. I haven't any proof. I know that he said it's all gone through, it's all good, but I'm still going to be a nervous wreak until the tickets are in my hands. Found out that one of the main people whom I wanted to go with isn't coming. She did want to go, but was telling people that she didn't. She phoned me last night to tell me that she did want to go after all. Pissed off about that cos she (apart from my sister) was the only person I wanted to go with. :(

Thursday, April 01, 2004

This is a mobile blog. I'm standing at work at the moment writing this on my palm. I'll be going home in a minute but for now I'm quite happy to stand here skiving. This is actually not as difficult as I thought.

The Glastonbury tickets go on sale today at 8pm!!! I was going to go with just my sister and was totally looking forward to it, then my mum decided that she wanted to come as well. It didn't take long for the rest of the family to decide that they wanted to come too. AARRRGGGHHH!!! We had a very long painful discussion about whether or not I was going to be responsible enough to look after my sister. Eventually I think it was decided that my 25 years and experience in various parties would mean that I probably be able to look out for her. Mums panicing is never fun.

Home from work now. My dad has decided that he doesn't think that he wants to go after all. He heard that oasis are playing and went right off the idea. Which is understandable ;) but really a bloody stupid reason. He just doesn't want to pay out for it.

PARENTS!!! Arrgh!!!