Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

YES! I've got Glastonbury tickets!

At about 17:15 yesterday I finally got them after trying for 6 hours the night before going to work at 7 the next morning, totally convinced that they would be sold out by the time I got back. When I got home I started dialing again. On the third try I got through!

Only problem is I didn't get the booking number from the agent. I haven't any proof. I know that he said it's all gone through, it's all good, but I'm still going to be a nervous wreak until the tickets are in my hands. Found out that one of the main people whom I wanted to go with isn't coming. She did want to go, but was telling people that she didn't. She phoned me last night to tell me that she did want to go after all. Pissed off about that cos she (apart from my sister) was the only person I wanted to go with. :(


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