Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I just posted this on a forum, thought I'd make it my blog for the day...

I spent three years caught up in an "unrequited love" situation when I was eighteen, the main problem was that we are genuinly very fond of one another. Oh, and she's gay.

She hadn't come out when we first met, which made it incredibly difficult for her. I didn't know for a long time, which made it confusing when there was genuine affection from her, to a point and no more. When she did tell me it made things a hell of a lot easier for our relationship, it's weird but knowing she's not going out with a bloke kinda takes the competition out of it. I still think about her a lot and often think about getting in contact.

We hadn't spoken for about 3 years until last monday when we met up at the pub after bumping into each other on msn. It was weird because it felt totally comfortable. She has a flat now, which she shares with her long-term girlfriend, who I'd like to meet.

I really want to be friends with her again. I just have to remember that there is never going to be anything else. Ever.

In the three years since we last met she has been on my mind a lot. It does get better with time, and I've found it a lot easier to think about her after some time has passed since I last saw her. The immediacy of it fades and I can think about the relationship we had with far less emotional baggage attached.

Plus, c'mon a fantasy/daydream is much more fun when you have someone you fancy in it.


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