Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Well, what a weekend, it's not even over yet. I'm in Brixton at the moment, at a mates house.

I was supposed to be having friends over on Sat night, but they couldn't come, so I went with my backup plan.

It was nice when the backup plan had as many merits as the original! I trekked up to London on sat night, went to a mates, then on to a squat party. Which, due to one missed bus-stop meant a walk across three miles of run-down London scenery. The squat itself was excellent though. Didn't get back here till quite late on Sunday, after the round of post party visiting, spent most of Sunday in a k-hole. Which was nice.

Now sitting here at twenty to ten looking out the window at the brixtonions walking by. Obviously I've called in sick at work again. I've really got to stop doing that.

Looking out the window at the traffic and knowing the general standard of driving in London, I'm mightily impressed that there aren't more crashes. The cab-driver that took us back from the party yesterday morning was NOT a good driver. Or maybe he was just overtired, at every traffic light his eyes would be closing within seconds of the car stopping. On more than one occasion he didn't even realise that the lights had changed. Plus he was another erratic driver. They always make me nervous.

All in all though a very good weekend.


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