Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm sitting here, spliff in gob, Pink Floyd playing trying to think of a way to describe my day.

Work was torturously boring and very uncomfortable. Standing outside in wet feet all day is not the way to get any sort of pleasure from work. I hate working, I want to get back into a job that I can look forward to going into every day, luckily I know what career I want but I need to get sorted financially and mentally first.

Felt very close to my sister tonight, I don't expecially know why, probably because we are so much the same and she's going through something very similar to an experience I have had. Not fun, and I can see trouble ahead. Life innit?

Went out with the dog and managed to achieve very near to perfect stillness, standing in the middle of the local park, it was densly foggy. Even though the road is right next to the park you can hardly hear the traffic. Standing in the direct center of the football pitch I can see a circle about twenty metres away. It's the limit to my sight. Beyond that are just vague shapes. The Millennium Temple is just a shape in the mist. I close my eyes, I can hear the dog doing dog things to my left. A car goes by, it takes hours. One of the unseen houses is watching something on TV. A plane flys overhead, what do they see?


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