Yet another blog! ;) Just a bunch of vauge musing, wonderings, weekend adventures and maybe the odd rant or two.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Strange day.

Didn't go into work on Monday. Said that there was a disaster and I got stuck in London. When I got in today I was confronted by the production manager who gave me a bollocking, saying that if I take any more time off they are going to sack me. Which is fair enough I suppose I have spent the last three mondays not at work.

Whats even stranger was that when I got home I got a phone call from Ruth at FR to say that she had got me a 25p payrise! There wasn't even any argument about it. She just asked and they said, "yep, he's worth it".

Wow. a whole 25p. Mind you that does mean an extra £50 per month.



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